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FF57⎪Flower Picnic Basket (With Wine)

FF57⎪Flower Picnic Basket (With Wine)

定價 HK$680.00
定價 售價 HK$680.00
銷售額 售罄
  • American Express
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Mastercard
  • Union Pay
  • Visa


⭐️𝐍𝐨.𝟏-Moscato D'Asti (酒精濃度:7%)是聞名世界的甜起泡酒(半起泡酒),來自意大利產區Asti,採用Moscato Bianco的小粒白麝香葡萄釀製,是意大利最高級別-DOCG。有豐富的花香和水果香

⭐️𝐍𝐨.𝟐-Sperone Chill(酒精濃度:11%)用專門釀製prosecco 的葡萄 Glera釀製,帶有蘋果,青檸香氣,細嚐下更有椰子的味道。建議在飲用時可加入冰塊,不單無損汽酒原有口感,更昇華了酒的味道,令口感更甜蜜順滑

⭐️𝐍𝐨.𝟑-Sperone Chill Rose(酒精濃度:7%)擁有打卡必備的粉紅色瓶身,令人少女心滿滿,以女士們最愛的moscato釀製,帶有細致濃烈的水蜜桃、橙花、玫瑰花和甜桃香氣,清爽偏甜微微帶點酸,可以加入冰塊,讓水果和花的清香更加配合,味道宜人

⭐️𝐍𝐨.𝟒-TIRTEO (酒精濃度:13%) 是意大利最高級別-DOCG,排名全球前5%的葡萄酒,Full body的口感,以及較重酸味的果香,帶點紫羅蘭、玫瑰風味

⭐️𝐍𝐨.𝟓-Bonimúr Nebbiolo Langhe (酒精濃度:13.5%)是結構簡單的單寧紅酒,適合和各種肉類菜品配合,互相昇華其味覺享受

⭐️𝐍𝐨.𝟔-Gavi (酒精濃度:12.5%)既是產區也是葡萄酒名稱,是意大利最高級別-DOCG ,Gavi的產區位於義大利的Piemonte省,是意大利北面的葡萄酒重要產區,傳統白酒的代表就是Gavi(口感偏dry),也是第一款打入世界舞台,令世人認識的意大利白酒


- 建議預訂送貨日期前6天訂購以確保選用最接近圖片中的花材,包括假日及公眾假期。
- 急單請另與本花店聯絡安排,本店保留收取急單製作及送貨費用的權利。
- 如要求更改花束內容,請先與我們花藝師查詢自訂款式,而花束價格亦可能有所調整。
- 如須更改訂單內容或配送日期,請於預訂送貨日期前72小時通知,否則訂單更改將不會予以理會並如期配送。

- It is recommended to place your order 6 days before the delivery date, including holidays and public holidays, to ensure that the bouquet combination closest to the picture are adopted.
- For urgent orders, please kindly contact us to make special arrangements for you. We reserve the right to charge an additional fee for urgent orders.
- If you would like to change the bouquet content, please feel free to contact our florists for customisation (price adjustment would be applied).
- Please make your order changes on the content or delivery date at least 72 hours before the scheduled delivery date, otherwise the original order will be delivered as scheduled.

送貨-Delivery Service


- 每天送貨服務時間為:11:00-15:00及15:00-19:00,花束將由專人速遞配送
- 訂購時請選擇送貨日期、時段、地址
- 若須指定時間配送,我們將保留收取指定時間配送費的權利

- Delivery Fee: Kowloon area $80, Hong Kong Island area $100, New Territories area $120 (or other remote areas)

- Daily delivery service hours: 11:00-15:00 and 15:00-19:00The bouquets will be delivered by dedicated courier.
- Please select the delivery date, timeslot, and address when ordering.
- We reserve the right to charge an additional delivery fee for specific time delivery.

養護-Care Instructions

- 鮮花鑑賞期約5-7天,但花材保存期限會受環境、氣候、溫度等因素影響。
- 可拆開花束包裝,去除底部水袋,根據花瓶高度以45度角修剪花材根部,並按喜好插入花瓶,注入1/3清水。
- 每天更換新鮮水,將花材根部浸潤在水中。
- 切勿將花束放置於悶熱或強光環境下。

- Our flowers can last up to 5-7 days. Flowers will be affected by environment, climate and temperature etc.
- Please unpack the bouquet and remove the water bag at the bottom. You may trim the root at a 45-degree angle according to the height of your vase. Place and arrange the flowers into the vase as you like and pour 1/3 of the water.
- Change fresh water daily and soak the roots in the water.
- Place the flowers in a cooler location without direct sunlight.

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